

While the clan is unofficially called RR, it is officially called whatever those two R's stand for, for you. We encourage that you fill in the R's because we want our members to feel like a part of every process in our clan, including our name. RR has a special meaning to me, and I want it to have it's own secret (or known if you decide to tell us) meaning to you.

Our clan was created out of frustration. I'm sure many of you can relate to being in a clan in which you log on to play, and none of your clan members are playing MW2 or they never want to join your match. We were tired of this. We asked ourselves, why join a clan if there is no unity?

So RR was born. A clan that strives to find people like yourself. People who want a large group to select from. A group in which most of us are enjoyable to play with and always willing to play. Our aim is to always have at least five of us online, always willing to join you when you log on.

But above all, we aim to create a large tight knit clan that is less like a clan, and more like a family.
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