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ikillpolarbears Empty ikillpolarbears

Post  Kandi Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:34 pm

Kicked due to ignoring my messages about if he still wanted to stay. Wasn't sure if he wanted to stay after hearing the ppl who got kicked/left, trash talk me- despite us never doing anything wrong to him.

Submission Date
2010-06-01 16:08:00
Your Name:



Birth Date
September 24 1993

K/D Ratio:

Win/Loss Ratio:


About how many hours do you play a week?

Who were you recruited by?
Infinity Ward Forum

Did you read the About Us section thoroughly?

Our acceptance process consists of a 3 day period for you to decide if you still want to join us after playing with us and vice-versa. Is that something you're willing to do?

What about this clan makes you want to join us? What are the qualities that you are looking for in a clan?
really just looking for a clan with good people, willing to try different things in the game, and have fun doing it. having a party open at all times really sounds like a good idea.

Why do we need you in our clan? What qualities do you have that would make you a valuable member?
I go for the win.
Not to be cocky, but i know what I'm doing when it comes to MW2.
While I am experienced, I also listen to others.
I don't boost.

Tell me about yourself. Tell me about the things you like and matter to you.
I wrestle, play soccer, and play Call of Duty. I'm a HUGE Hokie fan, and whenever Tech doesn't win, you'll know it.

What is your opinion on boosting, cheating, dashboarding, glitching, and lag switching.
NOT COOL. I am proud to have gotten to 5th Prestige level 70 without the aid of boosting or any other method of cheating.

What do your R's stand for?
Rest and Recuperation

Would you like to tell me why they stand for that? (You don't have to if you don't want to)
When I log on to MW2, I am resting and recuperating from a stressful day, and I really just want to have fun.

I take this clan very seriously. I take the people in it seriously as well. If this sounds stupid or cheesy to you, you should probably not submit this application. I just want to know that you know we want you- as long as you want to join us just as much. Are you going to be active and committed to this clan?

Any Comments?
Look forward to meeting new people in a fun clan, thanks!

Join date : 2010-05-12
Age : 33
Location : Texas

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