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Post  Kandi Mon May 17, 2010 10:27 pm

LEFT because there was a 'bad' apple amongst us and it ruined the bunch for him. Didn't give me the chance to correct the problem because he wouldn't tell me who it was.

Submission Date
2010-04-26 15:31:09

Your Name:



Birth Date
August 1 1975

K/D Ratio:

Win/Loss Ratio:


About how many hours do you play a week?

Did you read the About Us section thoroughly?

What about this clan makes you want to join us? What are the qualities that you are looking for in a clan?
Your clan sounds like a nice change of pace from my normal play style.. i have freinds that i game with, but i am looking for a more stable gaming experience.. i am looking to have fun, while bring up my win/loss ratio
qualities i am looking for in a clan are but no limited to the following.. gaming work
3.competitive gamers while being in a relaxed enviorenment
4.goal orienated? meaning... if we as a team are playing headquarters, lets do it as a team.. i have past experiences where its only 1 team member going for objectives, while the others farm kills..

Why do we need you in our clan? What qualities do you have that would make you a valuable member?
i am a good team player, i strive to be the best at whatever i do, and gaming is no different..
i go for objectives, meaning deaths is not always a concern of mine depending on what game mode we play.. 99.9% of the time i am positive and will be in the top 3 on the boards after the game..
# Tell me about yourself. Tell me about the things you like and matter to you.
i like all sorts of things..
Infinity Ward developed games are my only FPS games i play.. i have tried others, and they fail IMO...
I like sports, college football being the main sport, then NFL
I am a huge Oklahoma Sooner fan, and a Dallas Cowboy fan.. dont reject this application because of team preference Smile just kidding..
in gaming, team work is the most important thing to me... working as a team usually leads to wins, and winning is the goal after all..

What is your opinion on boosting, cheating, dashboarding, glitching, and lag switching.
boosting... i cant stand boosters, i have worked very hard in MW2 to gain the prestige i have obtained.. i earned everything legit, and i strive to stay true to my upbringing.. boosters are cheaters, and cheaters are useless IMO
Cheaters.. see above BOOSTERS
dashboarding... i think that is becoming more and more abused now.. i think that having fun is the main goal, and if i have to dashboard to save my k/d or win loss, then im not really having fun... so i say no to Dashboarders..
Glitching... i have mixed views on glitches.. if it ruins the outcome of the game then i am against it.. i however do like doing elevators and things like that, i do them in private matches where it isnt effecting the game mechanics... i explore maps and find cool things on the outside that IMO was put there to be fouund...
Lag switching.. see cheating/boosting.. its not needed, uncalled for and is done by lifeless scum

What do your R's stand for?
Rock and Roll

Would you like to tell me why they stand for that? (You don't have to if you don't want to)
sure, its simple really... i have a few uses for R&R but what came to mind first was good ole rock and roll... i love music, and being a bit older then most gamers, i like classic rock and roll.. artists such as
Bad Company
Metallica etc... i have many favorites, and the R&Rs are likely to change for me from time to time..

I take this clan very seriously. I take the people in it seriously as well. If this sounds stupid or cheesy to you, you should probably not submit this application. I just want to know that you know we want you- as long as you want to join us just as much. Are you going to be active and committed to this clan?

Any Comments?
this was quite an application process. but i found that it was rather enjoyable.. the site seems a little sluggish, but it looks nice.. works well... its the loading that is causing me issues, probably a wonderful hosting issue... anyway, i will be looking for a reply about becoming a R&R member...

Join date : 2010-05-12
Age : 33
Location : Texas

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