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spdowind Empty spdowind

Post  Kandi Mon May 17, 2010 10:39 pm

LEFT because he lost interest in MW2

ubmission Date
2010-04-29 10:18:10

Your Name:



Birth Date
May 24 1990

K/D Ratio:

Win/Loss Ratio:


About how many hours do you play a week?
5 to 15, more in summer

Did you read the About Us section thoroughly?

What about this clan makes you want to join us? What are the qualities that you are looking for in a clan?
Seems organized and older members, I like how the goal is unity. I hate how a clan keep changing new members and this one seems more determined.

Why do we need you in our clan? What qualities do you have that would make you a valuable member?
I used to run my own clan with 100+ members in PC gaming, so I can get along with others well and of course will help clan do well in games. I am not only good at gaming, I also am a web master for my college organization, so maybe I could help with our site if I can.

Tell me about yourself. Tell me about the things you like and matter to you.
im 19, in college, just play mw2 when i have time.
I'm a good strat caller and player overall.

What is your opinion on boosting, cheating, dashboarding, glitching, and lag switching.
just no, i actually tried to hunt down FFA nuke boosters and prevent their boosting when I can.

What do your R's stand for?
Rapid Reaction

Would you like to tell me why they stand for that? (You don't have to if you don't want to)
I react pretty fast and make good decisions when gaming or sports

I take this clan very seriously. I take the people in it seriously as well. If this sounds stupid or cheesy to you, you should probably not submit this application. I just want to know that you know we want you- as long as you want to join us just as much. Are you going to be active and committed to this clan?

Any Comments?
If accepted, I will not be on very often this 2 week because I have exam week. Afterwards I will be on quite often.
Thank you

Join date : 2010-05-12
Age : 33
Location : Texas

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