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Codylala Empty Codylala

Post  Kandi Mon May 17, 2010 11:38 pm

KICKED for inactivity and horrible connection issues.

Submission Date
2010-05-09 20:04:04

Your Name:



Birth Date
March 22 1993

K/D Ratio:

Win/Loss Ratio:


About how many hours do you play a week?

Did you read the About Us section thoroughly?

What about this clan makes you want to join us? What are the qualities that you are looking for in a clan?
you guys are constantly on, so i always have a good group of people to play with

Why do we need you in our clan? What qualities do you have that would make you a valuable member?
i have some serious skills...that is, unless ive been playing 5 hours in a row. as long as im not too tired, i get a 2-3 KDR in a game. i have and USE my mic, i like to be tactical.

Tell me about yourself. Tell me about the things you like and matter to you.
i love music, video games, and sports. i love cod4 more than mw2 to be honest. i hang out with friends a lot too though, and if im not hangin out doing something fun, im rollin on call of duty.

What is your opinion on boosting, cheating, dashboarding, glitching, and lag switching.
i hate boosters. they're the worst. everything else is whatever i dont really have an opinion except i despise lag switching!!!

What do your R's stand for?
Ronald Regan

Would you like to tell me why they stand for that? (You don't have to if you don't want to)
great conservative, republican President!!!

I take this clan very seriously. I take the people in it seriously as well. If this sounds stupid or cheesy to you, you should probably not submit this application. I just want to know that you know we want you- as long as you want to join us just as much. Are you going to be active and committed to this clan?

Any Comments?
i hope im not jumping the gun here, but i really like the feel of your clan here because its not too strict- its nice and laid back. i know ive just played a few games with you guys, but you guys seem legit. i would never have any plans of clan jumping, but the last clan i was in just was long as we're winning and having fun doing it, im committed!

Join date : 2010-05-12
Age : 33
Location : Texas

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