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Application Process

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Application Process Empty Application Process

Post  Guest Fri May 21, 2010 1:44 pm

Im starting to think that application process may take a little to long....

a member has to wait until his application is voted in by majority, then the applicant has to wait another 3 days to be official.. in that 3 days, the applicant can be denied, or accepted...

i personally think we should go back to the application process, have it done by majority like it is now, and maybe a 1 day or a few hour playing session with the applicant would be good enough...

the reasoning: well there are a ton of clans recruiting right now... and unless you are recruiting somebody from your friends list, then more then likely the person you sent to fill out the application is not going to wait upto 5 days to get in the clan, when he can join another similar clan in just 1 day...

i know if it was me, and i was looking for a good clan, i would want to be a part of it like right now.. and i seriously doubt i would wait a week to join, before i found another clan... if its somebody on your friends list, then sure they would wait, but recruiting from websites,forums, and recent players this current process is difficult to recruit from

My suggestion
i think we should go back to the application process only.. leave it like it is now, by majority vote... almost half of the RR clan doesnt even log into the forums ever.. so i think it should be raised to a 5 yes votes and they are in..... at this time, they then get access to the forums as this would keep them interested in off times also they do not get a number assigned yet... they are to wear the clan tag RR?? for a 3 day trial or whatever... so they can decide then if they are right for the clan or we can decide if we like the play style of them..

a new recruit can now feel like they are apart of the clan by wearing the RR tag and being able to communicate via forums and xbox live until they are assigned a number...

if the person doesnt fit in, is found to be a cheat, rage quits, or just doesnt like us, then all that is needed to be done is, blocked/removed from the forum, deleted off friends list and thats it.. your not out a number because he wasnt assigned one yet...

just an idea...


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Application Process Empty Re: Application Process

Post  Kandi Fri May 21, 2010 2:12 pm

You have a good point but here is my reasoning behind a three day wait and how it worked so far.

Josh, xJSx WrIghT was the first member to go through this process. We played with him the same way we did our regular members for those three days- the only thing he was missing was access to the forum and a clantag. After three days, he had been playing with us so much that I mean it felt like he was a member.

Those people who dont want to wait three days to get their clan tag are impatient- and that's really not what we are looking for. Does that mean they'll quit the clan if all of us are busy for a few days in a row?

I only wait about a day for the voting- and THEN I take the majority. So it's not too long.

The waiting period is not so much about testing out their playing skills, but testing their personality and how they are. It's about feeling comfortable with them. I played with some of the guys that got kicked out for a few hours and I didn't get a sense for who they were.

TBH, at this point, even though we only have like 20 members, we usually have enough people online to make two groups- so we really don't need to hurry to get members.

When I want to join something, I wait for them...if I dont care about them, I move on. I want the people that we accept into this clan, to be the kind of people that want to be in our clan, just as badly as we want their type of personality- in ours.

As for them being able to join a similar clan, I don't believe so. I believe that all the members we have thus far are wonderful for RR and that anyone getting in, is privileged to be joining you guys. I'm also on top of things more than many clan leaders. If the clan is in need of something, I go out of my way to get it (HD Quality Video Card) and even though this hasn't been done much, I always envisioned us being a clan that rewards members (I've been looking into stickers, hats, shirts, ect...) on top of that, we do wonderfully as a clan. My Win/Loss has gone up from 1.41 to 1.65 since playing with you guys.

Everything good is worth waiting for.

I know it makes it hard to recruit- I do...But out of 100 people, getting that one that is a great addition, is totally worth it imo.

Like I said before, I think the RR?? is a great idea so we will definitely start doing that.

The really good clans are always hard to get into. We haven't gotten the status of a good clan yet because we haven't put our talent to use yet...

Join date : 2010-05-12
Age : 33
Location : Texas

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Application Process Empty Re: Application Process

Post  Guest Fri May 21, 2010 5:24 pm

true enough.... i suppose my main goal of this was to increase the amount of recruits... if we are in no hurry to gain recruits then the current process is by far the way to go... i was looking for a way to increase recruits while at the same time not causing issues with the current clan number system..

to me a smaller clan is great... i guess somehow i was under the impression that the clan needed to grow to 100 members and at a significant pace.... not sure how i got that impression or if i was just assuming again... that gets me in trouble sometimes.... Smile

anyway, see ya in a game soon...


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